重点实验室学术报告-【Klaas Vrieling】

目: The evolution of anti-herbivore strategies in plants

报 告 人: Dr. Klaas Vrieling Leiden University


My research concerns insect-plant interactions with a strong focus on the role of secondary plant substances. Secondary plant metabolites show an extraordinary large variety between plant species and within plant species. Many of our drugs, medicines and pesticides are secondary metabolites from plants. It is now generally accepted that secondary metabolites play an important role in plants as a defence against herbivores and pathogens. I investigate how the large variety of secondary metabolites comes about, is maintained, constrained and shaped in plants by natural selection through pathogens and herbivores. An experimental approach is followed using laboratory tests, phylogenetic and ecogenomic approaches as well as field studies. We use genomic techniques for genetic mapping, gene expression analysis and DNA sequencing.

A second line of research concerns invasive plant species. They form excellent study material to investigate the impact of natural selection through herbivores (and pathogens) on plants.Plants from invasive areas can be compared with plant from the native area to study how natural

selection is reshaping defences and the allocation of resources over defence and growth.

时 间:2022年1月21日(星期五) 16:00

地 点:生命科学研究院三楼2301会议室

